All About Challenger Geometry

What is it?

  • A year-long after school Geometry program for students interested in challenging themselves by completing two math courses in one year.

Who can participate?

  • 7th graders currently taking Compact Math 7

How does it work?

  • Challenger Geometry is an OPTIONAL program where students take an honors level Geometry course outside of school hours IN ADDITION to their Grade 8 Algebra 1 course during the day.
  • During the student’s 8th grade school year, they will take their regular Algebra 1 class in but they will also take an honors level Geometry course.
  • Students will be assigned course work through videos and other assignments that they complete independently ~ 4 hours per week.
  • Once a week, students meet in person with a teacher who will go over new content, lead students through learning experiences to apply the content, monitor progress and understanding, and give any extra support that students need.
  • Throughout the year, assessments such as unit assessments, midterm, and finals will also be given
  • Assuming successful completion of the coursework and a satisfactory grade on the Geometry Final Exam, students will move on to Algebra 2 for 9th grade.
  • Grades will be given, but the student’s final grade will not show on their report card.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Golden ( or ask your math teacher for more information.

Sign Up

Deadline 6/10/24

Additional notes compiled by Belmont Math Parents

  • All 7th graders currently in Math 7 Compact are eligible to participate.  The stated plan is to continue the program in future years.
  • The number of participants is not capped.  The initial expectation was 50-60 students, but the enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year (as of September 21) was reported as 208 students (142 8th grade, 66 9th grade).
  • There is no cost to families to participate and no risk to sign up then start the summer Khan Academy units and decide whether to do the full program in the Fall.
  • Families should be aware that BHS has a 4-year math requirement and Challenger Geometry is treated as a Chenery class and will not count toward the BHS math requirement or appear on a BHS transcript.  Students who take Calculus as juniors have other options for what to take in 12th grade. This is the same as how it has always worked for students who accelerated and took Geometry at Chenery.