All students deserve a math education that is appropriately challenging and meets them where they are.
Recent reductions in curriculum flexibility and under-investment in math support services at the Belmont Public Schools undermine Belmont students’ math education.
Belmont must restore math placement flexibility, reinstate in-school advanced math options, and increase math specialist resources to ensure equity and excellence.
What’s at Stake
Recent trends in mathematics education nationwide emphasize a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, eliminating flexibility for students.
In California, the recent California Mathematics Framework (CMF) proposal recommends postponing Algebra 1 until 9th grade or later and replacing high-school Calculus with a data science pathway.
As of early 2022, more than 1600 professors and other members of the mathematics community signed an open letter expressing alarm at these trends.
These recent trends are influencing policy decisions in Belmont and other communities across the country.
Who We Are
We are a growing community of parents, students, and alumni in Belmont, MA, dedicated to fostering excellence and equity in math education in the Belmont Public Schools.